Thursday, December 15, 2011

Set This On Fire

So I guess I'm supposed to forget
About you.
Is that what people who once remembered each other
Do once they decide they don't want to
Remember each other anymore?
I don't know.
I have no idea.
Maybe it's one of those things that's
Supposed to "get better in time".
How can the loss of someone who once
Lived in the spaces between your breaths ever be reconciled?
Someone who unpacked the cardboard boxes
In your heart.

You let the sunlight in and it felt like
An honest to goodness smile.
The kind that can't be forced, it just
Knows how to spread itself out.
You woke me up.
You were ice water on my face in the
Groggy morning.
An urgent dream that struck me with a
Beautiful fear.
And the hushed but present glory of it
All was you didn't even have to try.
You left your seal on my letter of a
Heart and I will never be quite the same.
I suppose I should thank you for that.
But I can't talk to a ghost
And there are no ears to hear on the
Cold side of a bed.

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